Christian Youth Work Training

Training with qualifications: Further Education (Levels 1 - 3)

Courses validated to QCF Levels 1, 2 or 3. Level 2 is equivalent to GCSE A* - C and Level 3 is equivalent to A-Level
Moorlands College Logo

Moorlands College ~ Foundation Year Studies

The Foundation Year is an additional year, which gives students a route onto the degree course if they have been out of education for a long time, or do not have the necessary two A levels or equivalent qualifications to gain access on to the degree programme.

from Moorlands College

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Moorlands ~ Award in Christian Leadership

This is an NCFE validated course, which is delivered by Moorlands College.  It is a customized award equivalent to Level 3.
Organisations can apply to the college to deliver the award for their learners
The Mandatory Units are:
1 The Biblical Leader
2 The Practical Leader
3 The Pioneer Leader
4 The Reflective Leader
5 The Discipling Leader
(GLH = guided learning hours)
There are usually around 3 tasks to be completed and submitted online for each unit.

from Moorlands College

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Moorlands ~ Engaging with Applied Theology

This is an NCFE validated course, which is delivered by Moorlands College.  It is a customized award equivalent to Level 3.
Organisations can apply to the college to deliver the award for their learners
The Mandatory Units are:
1 Introduction to Applied Theology (30 GLH)
2 Bible Overview (30 GLH)
3 Mission and Ministry (40 GLH)
5 Personal and Professional Development (50 GLH)
The optional units are
4 Working with young People (30 GLH)
6 Working with Schools (30 GLH)
7 Working with Children (30 GLH)
8 Pastoral Care and Listening Skills (30 GLH)
(GLH = guided learning hours)
Learners need to take the four mandatory units and one optional unit in order to achieve the award.  There are usually around 3 tasks to be completed and submitted online for each unit.

from Moorlands College

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SWYM | Be Transformed (Christian Gap Year)

Be Transformed is a year where you can grow into the person and leader that God wants you to be. This course will help root and ground you in the Christian faith, giving you the practical tools and knowledge to grow as a disciple of Jesus.

Be Transformed is more than just a gap year program; it is an opportunity to gain skills that will serve you for a lifetime, and make connections and memories that will last forever. You will leave Be Transformed with a greater understanding of your calling and purpose, as well as increased skills, lasting memories, and new friendships.
In addition to six conferences across the year, you will receive four core books which we will explore together.

You will also be provided with resources to help you develop your practical ministry skills including leading groups, teaching children and young people and developing your time management and productivity. As part of this course, you will be working towards the Engaging with Applied Theology course from Moorlands College, which has been accredited by NCFE as a Customised Qualification with the learning outcomes and assessment criteria benchmarked at Level 3 (using a national framework’s level descriptors).

from South West Youth Ministries

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SWYM ~ The Academy

This course will encourage you to “Step Up” and “Step Out”, building on the discipleship journey in Be Transformed and go deeper into specific topics. During the course, you will sharpen your skills and experience to develop your practice through group work, leadership and managing programmes.

from South West Youth Ministries