If you are a diocesan or church leader and would like to know more about running Future Youth (or MES) then please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
If you are a qualified Children’s Worker / Adviser and would be interested in running the course in your area, please get in touch. We are growing the number of courses around the UK and Ireland, and offer you support, training content and website for you to deliver these courses for people you connect with.
Course content includes:
Module 1
What is Children’s & Youth Ministry?
Children and young people today and their context
A church-wide responsibility
Ministry with children and young people
Values of Youth Ministry
Relational Discipleship
Spiritual formation
Equal Opportunities
Children’s spirituality and formation
Why am I involved in children’s / youth ministry?
Gifts and skills of a children’s / youth leader
Personal growth, support and pastoral care
Module 2
Theology of the child / young person
Faith development
Child development theories
Using the Bible in ministry
Needs of children and young people
Spiritual styles (learning styles)
Practical approaches to children’s ministry
Godly Play and story-telling
Messy Church (crafts and games)
Creative prayer
Drama and play
Practical approaches to youth ministry
Group work
Creative arts
Detached Work
Inclusive Ministry
Mental health and wellbeing
Module 3
Children in the church and leadership
Young people in the church and leadership
Social Media and digital discipleship
Schools (making connections and building relationships)
Vision, strategy and programme planning
Planning for change in the church
Making teams work: recruitment, supervision & training
Legal: Child protection policies, safeguarding, risk assessment & insurance
Due to low numbers, Aurora will not be running in Yorkshire during the academic year 2023-24 but is planning to resume in September 2024. Currently the Youth Work course is running in Southwark
Church House
95-99 Effingham Street
S65 1BL
View all courses from Aurora Youth and Children’s Ministry Training