Training for volunteers

Aurora Children (Southwark)
Accredited by Sheffield Diocese, moderated by Ian White (former Senior Lecturer at Cliff College.)
Delivered at academic level 4, students can work towards a level 3 or level 4 certificate.
Students join a diverse mix of people from different churches and denominations, forming friendships that go beyond the course itself.

Aurora Children and Youth (Future Youth (MES))
This training is part of the Future Youth year out opportunity for 18s-30s.
If you are interested in youth and children’s work as a career then this is a great opportunity to help mentor and support those skills with people who are invested in seeing you grow. Most of your time would be spent in ministry placements with the Aurora training running throughout the year. Future Youth is a strand of the Church of England’s Ministry Experience Scheme; placements are run through dioceses with opportunities across the UK. It is free to do with accommodation and expenses provided, this includes the Aurora training course.
Aurora is accredited by Sheffield Diocese, moderated by Ian White (former Senior Lecturer at Cliff College). Delivered at academic level 4, students can work towards a level 3 or level 4 certificate. The Future Youth Aurora is delivered online and in three residentials.
The year begins in September.
To find out more and register your interest please visit

Aurora Youth (Southwark)
Accredited by Sheffield Diocese, moderated by Ian White (former Senior Lecturer at Cliff College.)
Delivered at academic level 4, students can work towards a level 3 or level 4 certificate.
Students join a diverse mix of people from different churches and denominations, forming friendships that go beyond the course itself.
Course content includes: What is Youth Ministry?, Young people today and their context, A church-wide responsibility, Ministry with young people, Relational discipleship & Spiritual formation, Informal education, Empowerment, Equal opportunities, Gifts and skills of a youth worker, Personal growth, support and pastoral care, Theology of the young person, Youth identity, Faith development, Needs of young people, Development theory and learning styles, Discipleship, evangelism, mission and worship, Creative arts, Mentoring, Detached work, Schools, Young people and mental health, Young people in the church, Social Media, Vocation, Programme planning, Sustainability, Planning for change in the church, Managing a team of volunteers, Legal: Child protection policies, safeguarding, risk assessment & insurance.

CCE Exploring Chaplaincy
Exploring Chaplaincy is an 8 session taught course [available on-line and in-person]. It offers a brief introduction to many aspects of chaplaincy and gives people who are exploring chaplaincy a chance to discern their vocation

Cliff College ~ Certificate in Parenting for Faith
This online course will equip students to successfully support parents and carers as they disciple their children and explore what parenting for faith might look like in their church and community. It will help develop foundational values and practices to operate out of, and establish practical steps to shape a culture where parenting for faith can flourish. There are two options, the ‘completion’ option and the ‘Certificate’ option with a written assignment.
from Cliff College