Christian Youth Work Training

Training with qualifications: JNC Professional Qualifying Courses (Levels 6 & 7)

Courses recognised as carrying Professional Grade status in youth work. From September 2010 you can only qualify if you gain an undergraduate Honours Degree (Level 6) or a Postgraduate Diploma (Level 7). There are different validating bodies in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, but they all recognise each other's qualifications. See additional notes.
Institute for Children, Youth & Mission (CYM) Logo

CYM ~ BA (Hons) Practical Theology (with specialist pathways including JNC option)

This programme is being taught-out and currently not open to new students
Please see the statement on the Institution’s page

from Institute for Children, Youth & Mission (CYM)

Institute for Children, Youth & Mission (CYM) Logo

CYM ~ MA Ministry and Mission (with specialist pathways including JNC option)

This programme is being taught-out and currently not open to new students
Please see the statement opposite

from Institute for Children, Youth & Mission (CYM)

Isle of Wight Youth for Christ ~ Youthwork Degree Programme Logo

Isle of Wight Youth for Christ YDP Scheme

Isle Of Wight YFC are looking to recruit more placement based degree students onto their YDP scheme next September.
Gain 20hrsyouthwork experience each week, based in a placement church who will support and encourage you as well as stretch you and give you lots of youth ministry opportunities.
Work with an experienced, helpful and passionate Youth For Christ team on a wide range of projects from small group work to island wide projects.
Receive £2300 each year towards your college fees and an additional £800 towards your travel expenses…plus free accommodation and meals!
Live on a beautiful Island!
Earn a JNC accredited degree in Applied Theology (Youth & Community Work) at Moorlands College.
For details of the degree course, see the Moorlands College entry: BA Honours Applied Theology (Youth & Community Work)

from Isle of Wight Youth for Christ ~ Youthwork Degree Programme

Moorlands College Logo

Moorlands College ~ BA (Hons) Applied Theology (Youth and Community Work)

A three or four-year degree programme that can be studied at Moorlands College in Christchurch, Dorset, at the South-West Centre in Torquay, Devon, or from wherever you are in the UK via our new Flexible Learning mode of study. The degree has been designed to give you a firm foundation on which to build. It will equip you to serve God in practical and relevant ways in dynamic youth work contexts. The programme is validated by the National Youth Agency (NYA), which means that upon graduation you will also receive JNC accreditation as a professional youth worker. You also get to ground your study in a hands-on, practical placement.

from Moorlands College

South West Youth Ministries Logo

SWYM | BA (Hons) Applied Theology (Youth and Community Work) (Moorlands South West)

The BA (Hons) Applied Theology (Youth and Community Work) is delivered by Moorlands College at the Moorlands South West campus alongside South West Youth Ministries, and is validated by the University of Gloucestershire.\

The programme is validated by the National Youth Agency (NYA) which means that upon graduation you will also receive JNC accreditation as a professional youth worker. The Applied Theology, Youth and Community Work degree has been designed to give you a firm foundation and will equip you to serve God in practical and relevant ways in dynamic youth work contexts.

Course Overview
Your studies are orientated around four different strands. Full time students will study one module from each strand every year.

Strand 1: Biblical Studies
The Bible forms the basis of all of the College’s teaching and action. As a result, a large part of your academic study will involve robust engagement with Biblical texts. This strand equips you to handle Scripture appropriately, engaging with factors such as genre and cultural context, that inform interpretation. This strand will help you to explore the implications of the Biblical texts studied for contemporary Christian life and ministry.

Strand 2: Christian Foundations
This strand explores the foundations of the Christian faith through developing your knowledge and critical awareness of Christianity’s historical unfolding. You’ll explore the key themes and concepts within the biblical narrative, and the core beliefs and practices of Christian orthodoxy. This strand equips you to be effective in ministry in a variety of contexts by allowing you to engage with contemporary challenges and objections to Christianity and to address them effectively and appropriately.

Strand 3: Young People, Communities and Contexts
This strand enhances your ability to engage with the contemporary world of young people. It explores the contexts of youth and community work and considers social policy and frameworks for professional practice. You will use the experiences from your placement to engage with methods and principles of contextual theology and reflective practice within a value base of social justice and human rights. In Year 3, you’ll have the opportunity to choose between doing a longer piece of research-based work, or an immersive placement project with young people.

Strand 4: The Christian Youth Worker
This strand develops the skills, knowledge and attitudes that are central to formation in line with the National Occupational Standards for Youth and Community Work. You will use the insights gained from your placement experiences to grow in your personal development and in the management and leadership of others. In Year 3, your studies will have a particular focus on community development and transformation, examining key issues such as power, poverty, inequality and injustice.

from South West Youth Ministries